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Hixon school closure meeting draws a crowd

More than 200 people packed the gymnasium at Hixon elementary school on Tuesday night to register their opposition to the school district's plan to close the school as part of an effort to deal with a $7-million shortfall in this year's budget.

More than 200 people packed the gymnasium at Hixon elementary school on Tuesday night to register their opposition to the school district's plan to close the school as part of an effort to deal with a $7-million shortfall in this year's budget.

"We ran out of chairs and there were still people standing," said Hixon parent advisory council president Tammy Clark.

The three-hour meeting with school board trustees, the second of 14 meetings over six weeks at schools slated for the chopping block, featured its share of emotional pleas to spare Hixon when trustees make their final decisions on March 20 at Vanier Hall.

"We had some very heartfelt speeches and the trustees were visibly affected," Clark said. "Whether that will make any difference in the long run, it's hard to say."

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