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Wood you believe it? Prince George nominated for two design awards

LTM Park Pavilion and Wood Lab could be recognized for excellence
UNBC's Wood Innovation Research Lab and the Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park Pavilion nominated for awards (via Hanna Petersen/City of Prince George)

If there’s one thing Prince George does well, it’s wood.

Two structures in Prince George, the Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park Pavilion and UNBC’s Wood Innovation Research Laboratory, are among this year’s nominees for BC WoodWorks wood design award.

The park pavilion, which opened in June 2018 on National Indigenous Peoples Day, replaced an older picnic shelter at the site; it was hosted four days of cultural events and performances.

It was developed as a partnership between the City and Lheidli T’enneh.

The design reflects a shared vision for a space in the park that is accessible for gatherings, performances, picnics, and other events.

It also highlights and celebrates the cultural significance of the landscape, including the confluence of the Fraser and Nechako Rivers, which is depicted in the concrete pad next to the pavilion.

A prominent feature of the structure is the angled roof which is made of Douglas-fir panels.

The Wood Innovation Research Lab opened a month prior to the pavilion and is also the first facility built to a passive house standard in Prince George.

This standard applies to buildings that are at the highest levels of performance with regards to energy efficiency.

The Wood Lab was constructed entirely of wood, the lab needs about as much energy to heat and cool as a typical home. In 2019, the City will be also completing a new park called Wood Innovation Square next to both the Wood Innovation Research Lab and the Wood Innovation and Design Centre.

The award-winners will be announced on Mar. 4, 2019, in Vancouver.

WoodWorks has given out wood design awards for the last 15 years. Previous local award winners are the Prince George Airport expansion, Kordyban Lodge, the Dr. Donald Rix Northern Health Sciences Centre and the Wood Innovation and Design Centre.