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Kids take to pets like ducks to water

All too often couples are found surrendering pets to the SPCA Shelter because they are expecting a new baby. Pets are not disposable and with a bit of work pets and babies can live harmoniously.

All too often couples are found surrendering pets to the SPCA Shelter because they are expecting a new baby. Pets are not disposable and with a bit of work pets and babies can live harmoniously. That is, if you take the time to prepare your pet for the blessed event. Let's face it, kids and pets go together like a duck takes to water. What a wonderful time to introduce your child to what more than likely, will be his or her "best and most loyal" friend.

It is very important that when preparing a space for the new baby like a nursery that the animal knows sleeping in the crib is a no-no. A baby gate set up temporality is a good idea. This way the pet can smell and hear the infant but with a bit of protection between them. Once the baby is born but before you bring it home, bring home a blanket or something with the baby's scent on it. Let the pet get used to the smell of lotions and powders. This will alert the pet that there is a new addition on the way. It is also a good idea to play tapes of babies crying so that also isn't a total shock. Stroke the pet at this time to reassure him that the sounds are ok.

It is crucial at this time to have a dog that is trained and that the basic commands of sit, down and stay. Jumping on you while you are holding the infant could inflict some serious damage. If you have a dog that growls or shows any aggression get a professional trainer at once. A spayed or neutered pet makes a much calmer family member and are less likely to show any signs of assertiveness.

When you first do arrive home with the baby spend a few moments alone with your pet. Let the pet know how glad you are to see him. Then after he is calm with you, slowly introduce the baby. The pet should be allowed to visit the baby in a quiet fashion. It is important to constantly praise the pet for good behavior. The pet will want to do a lot of investigating. This is perfectly natural. Remember he was there first. At no time is it wise to leave the pet alone with the infant no matter how well trained your pet is.

Babies are a lot of work but it is so very important to try to keep your pet on the same schedule as before. Please don't forget play time and most of all lots of hugs and kisses and praises. Pets have feelings too. They will also still need a space to get away from it all where they too can find some peace and quiet.

Often concerned new moms will associate a babies allergy with a pet when in actually it is from the detergent or a new food. Please consult an allergist before you give your pet up.

As your child grows teach him how to be around animals and that it's not ok to bother Fluffy when she is sleeping and it's not ok to pull ears or tails and most important that when Fido is eating you never bother him.Children have to be taught that antagonizing will get them scratched or bitten. Teaching respect must be done from the beginning.

Now, go enjoy both your new addition and your old one!

Email me at [email protected] and let's talk animals.

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